
Impact Fees

Develop and update impact fees to fairly allocate and pay for additional capital infrastructure


Supporting equitable access to opportunities through representation, participation, and performance

Food Access

Land use and transportation planning to support access to local and healthy food


Jon Slason, PE, has significant experience with alternative funding methods such as impact fees. He participates in the national Growth and Infrastructure Consortium (formerly the National Impact Fee Roundtable).

Jonathan has degrees in economics and civil engineering providing a valuable combination of skills to develop municipal impact fees.

Recent impact fee projects include St. Albans Impact Fees (library, fire, public works, general admin, and transportation), City of Jacksonville (FL) Mobility Fees, a pilot for the first transportation improvement district for VTrans around Exit 12 Williston; Town of Essex Sidewalk Impact Fee, City of South Burlington Transportation Impact Fees (ongoing), City of South Burlington Public Facilities Impact Fees (ongoing), Town of Williston Transportation Impact Fees (ongoing), and City of Winooski Transportation Impact Fees (ongoing).

Jon is actively assisting the Town of Hinesburg, Vermont with an update to their fire impact fees and assisting the Town of Essex, Vermont to explore setting up a fire impact fee.

Hinesburg Vermont Call Data

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